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Thoughts and a reminder of how and why we take time to remember and honor those who have Honorably served in our military branches of the United States of America.

Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States Congress adopted a resolution on June 4, 1926, requesting that the PotUS issue a proclamation to issue annual proclamations calling for the observance of November 11 with appropriate ceremonies.

A Congressional Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U.S. Code, Sec. 87a) approved May 13, 1938, made November 11 in each year a legal holiday: "a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day'."

At the urging of major U.S. veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. President Dwight D. Eisenhower.signed the bill into law on May 26, 1954.

In 1978, on November 11, celebration a national, legal holiday !

Thank you for your service!

Wild Fires

Prayers for Californians losing everything consumed by wildfires !

Sonoma Co.

Alameda Co.

El Dorado Co.

Inyo Co.

Los Angeles Co.

Riverside Co.

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In the United States, National POW/MIA Recognition Day is observed on the third Friday in September. It honors those who were prisoners of war (POWs) and those who are still missing in action (MIA).

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Sunday 1 September 2019


Lord God, another SHOOTING in Texas, a knifing in Europe!

Lord Jesus, as You spoke on the Mount "blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted"!

Mighty God we know You abhor evil.

Move us, Lord Jesus, too deeper more fervent Prayer as You prayed in The Garden.

As you taught us to Pray "deliver us from evil" For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 

I am afraid that society has never considered that denying "God" is a form of "hate."

IDOLATRY can take many forms.

Pastor Timothy Keller wrote: "the idols that drive us are complex, multi layered and largely hidden from us." (Counterfeit gods)

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* * * *

We (The Church) have been quiet with the Gospel, thus letting society down "morally" Father forgive me! Empower me in the presence of Your Holy Spirit. My I be endowed with Your Love and emboldened in Your Word ! In the power of Jesus name . . . Amen

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Cowards shoot up crowds in CA, TX & OH

I called a problem of “Faith.” Paul calls it “spiritual” “wickedness”!

Abba Father, we trust in Your Godly Mercies for the souls of these lives taken in these acts of wickedness. We pray for the sorrows in the heats of those who morn the loved ones lost.

As Jesus said in the sermon on the Mount called the Beatitudes; “Blessed are they that morn for they will be comforted.”

Thus we pray, in Jesus name. Amen.

4th of July 2019

We need to pray America.


       "unalienable Rights"

        constitutional federal republic form of government

        biblical values

        Our government and our leaders


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Evil in Virginia Beach, VA. USA 

Aba Father!

We rebuke this evil action inflicted on Virginia Beach by this worker of iniquity. In the Name of Jesus !

Lord Jesus let Your unseen presence of the Holy Spirit comfort those that mourn these lives taken violently.

Let us understand this evil comes from the evil one, satan, the star of the morning, Lucifer cast from Heaven. The enemy of the Souls saved by Jesus Christ !

Mercy and Healing we pray to God our Father in Jesus Name. Amen

and Amen.


December 7, 1941

77 Year ago today the United States territory of Hawaii island of Oahu at Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Imperial Navy!

Did you know? Early 1942 the Japanese attacked the U.S. Territory of Alaska seizing the islands of Kiska and Attu next, taking American prisoners.

My father stationed on the Battle Ship Utah on Dec. 7 1941 survived that battle then while stationed on the cruiser USS Honolulu CL-48 was involved in retaking the Aleutian islands of Kiska and Attu in the summer of 1942.

Never forget.

+ = + = + = + = + = + = +

100 years ago today

Patrick K. O’Donnell military historian

Many Americans have no idea why we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11. Those who know that the holiday began as Armistice Day typically think of it as a day of victory and peace.

However, for those on the ground in Europe the last twenty-four hours before the cessation of hostilities on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, that day was nothing less than hell on earth.

One hundred years ago this weekend,

Undoubtedly, the rumors of an approaching armistice played a role in their decision. For several days, men had been talking about a possible end to the war. Unbeknownst to the men, the two sides actually signed a peace deal at 5:45 a.m. on the morning of November 11. But General Pershing chose not to provide that information to the men fighting on the banks of the Meuse. He merely passed along the order to cease fire at exactly 11:00 a.m. Many of the Leathernecks and soldiers on the front lines would perish in the intervening hours.

As the Marines approached the river, a gleaming white star shell arced across the inky sky, silhouetting Saunders and his men, along with members of the Janson’s 49th Company and the other Marines. Staccato fire from machine guns obliterated the relative silence. An enemy patrol set up their Maxims on the far bank and sprayed lead like a fire hose.

Men slid and slipped down the embankment next to the river, shrapnel from artillery shells tore through their ranks. One man counted 25 killed or wounded in the space of 100 yards.

“The bridge! The bridge! This way, come on, Marines!” Saunders and the other engineers called to the Marines behind them.

Men dashed across the rickety contraption. Some made it to the other side. Some, struck with machine-gun fire on the way, fell into the water. Many others never even got to the water; their bodies piled up on the eastern side of the river.

However, scores had made it across when the Germans scored a direct hit on the bridge. The men on the Western side of the river were now trapped in enemy territory. They formed a perimeter, dug in, and prepared to hold for as long as they could.

Staring down annihilation, the Marines did not know the war would end within hours. What the Marines did know is that they had leaders they trusted and followed to the end. They had each other — a fellowship forged only in battle. This bond kept many of the men alive.

Many Marines died there on that eastern bank of the Meuse before the guns suddenly went silent at 11:00 hours.

Patrick K. O’Donnell is a bestselling, critically acclaimed military historian and an expert on elite units. @combathistorian

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Please pray for hurricane Florence victims

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear …”

— Psalm 46:1–2, ESV

Dear Friend,

Franklin Graham

While most of Florence has moved on from the Carolinas, her destructive force is still being felt across these two states. Entire communities are under water, and there are reports of harrowing rescues as flooding continues. Once the waters recede and the roads reopen, many people will return home to find they’ve lost everything.

They need your prayers.

Please pray that God will comfort them in their suffering, give strength to first responders, utility workers, and volunteers, and draw many people to His Son, Jesus Christ.

Will you also pray for our Rapid Response Team? We’ve deployed teams of chaplains to hard-hit areas to minister in Jesus’ Name and offer emotional and spiritual care to victims and first responders.

Thank you for your heart to reach hurting people with the Good News of God’s love.

May God richly bless you,

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham

President & CEO

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


_________________"On the morning of September 11 2001, 2,976 people from 93 nations lost their lives in New York, at the Pentagon, and on Flight 93.

Today, we pause to remember that moment of horror and pray for those left scarred by those terrible events."

We remember the first time we heard the news.We recall the first time we saw those images.We remember the way our thoughtsand prayers were with those families who lost loved ones.Our thoughts and prayers are with them again today.

O God of Comfort - though the years have passed, you are faithful still.Jesus Christ the same*Yesterday, today and forever; let your love and peace endure.

We remember those who survived.We remember that you are a God of redemption and restoration.Help us forgive those who caused so much trauma,and that we may find release in that forgiveness.

Yesterday, today and forever; let your love and peace endure.*

We remember that you love the world.We recall you sent your Son to bring reconciliation and salvation.We remember your Spirit inhabits your Church.Help us bring your comfort and peace to all. O God of hope

Yesterday, today and forever; let your love and peace endure.*

© Jimmy Orr/

* edited by,           du Padre

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Oklahoma Homeless VeteransSTAND DOWN

News & Announcements

Stand Down for Homeless Veterans - Sept. 29

A “Stand Down for Homeless Veterans” will be held Saturday, September 29 at First United Methodist Church in Tulsa. The event will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the church campus, which is located at 1115 S. Boulder Ave.

= = = = = =PRAY for the victims of the Jacksonville shooting ! "Why do the heathen rage"

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Lest we forget !DEBARKATION DAY

6 June 1944

150,000 troops began the invasion of German occupied western France. U.S. 1. Army landed on Omaha & Utah beach known to the French as Normandy. Objectives known as Gold, Juno and Sword beaches included Divisions from U.K. Britain's Royal Infantry, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, followed up with Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Czechoslovakia, Greece & Poland. At the same time the French underground sabotaged communications and transportation.-_______________-see: "My Blog" for more

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer, May 3rd.

This Thursday, May 3, is the National Day of Prayer. It will be the 30th annual observance since President Ronald Reagan signed the amended law designating the first Thursday of May as a day of national prayer, and the 67th observance since the day was first created in 1952 by a joint resolution of Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.



HE IS RISEN ! . . . . .

Mark 16:

6 . . , Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him.

7 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.


9 Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

Yours in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ,

du Padre©2000-2018

- - - - - Passion Week Day Seven

Every thing is quiet

Lots of stuff died on the cross . . .

Read Devotion: on "My Blog"

Passion Week Day Six

Day six

* looking beyond * the “CROSS”

Remember Jesus has been in custody now for all night,Peter has denied he was a follower of Jesus

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Passion Week Day Five

Day Five Thur

Staring down the Old Rugged Cross.

The Plot thickens -

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Passion Week Day fourday four *Wed*

> Preparing for the Cross <

All Israel prepares a paschal lamb

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Passion WeekDay Three

Looking toward Via Dolorosa

"Rabbi, look! The fig tree has withered."

The betrayal begins

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Passion WeekDay Two

Passion WeekDay Two

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . . ., how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. "

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PALM SUNDAY25 Mar. 2018

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

St. John 12;12 The next day the great crowd that had come for the festival heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. 13. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! ” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”“Blessed is the king of Israel!”

Read Devotion: on "My Blog"+ = + = + =Love Month

February is “Library Lovers Month” declared by one group! Along with that comes a whole list of February activities. Not to mention VALENTINES DAY. For some like our daughters occupation; National School Counseling Week TM. Along with Black History Month, Heart Health Month, Nation Wild-birds Feeding Month, including Darwin Day celebrations !

“For God so loved . . .”Gospel of John 3:16_ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ =

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